A groundbreaking creative partnership between renowned memory-makers Cirque du Soleil and Disney. With Drawn to Life, Walt Disney Animation's art is brought to life in a way that has never been possible before. Cirque du Soleil's inventive design, acrobatic performances, stunning choreography, and varied costuming reimagine the art of classic Disney animation. All of the mind-blowing exuberance and high-flying stunts for which Cirque du Soleil is renowned are present in the performance.
This Pre-Show Exhibition Proposal for Disney Springs Theatre introduces the visitors to the 12 principles of Animation.
-Disney Springs, Orlando, USA
Client, Collaborators & Partners
A Cirque du Soleil Creative Development
Role, Mandate
Head of Creative / Brand Experience Studio at Cirque du Soleil
Special txs to Mariev Rodrig, Laurent Monnier
Location & Year
Orlando, USA
Photo Credit
Disney, Cirque du Soleil
Project type & Features
Experiential Marketing, Entertainment & Leisure, Front of House, Pre Show Experience, Retail, Interactive Installation, Exhibition, Experience Design, Animation, Legacy, Film